
Showing posts from September, 2011


For someone who raised with some of Japanese cartoons that aired on Indonesian TV during early stages of 1990's, my love on J-pop is naturally builds. I didn't even know what it [the genre] called until my senior high (same experience with jazz). I first heard Depapepe name accidentally in a car from my cousins. They in love with this guitar based instrumental music that i found familiar from TV shows (Trans7 used Depapepe songs for background music in shows like 'On the Spot' and adventures). The first songs that i like would be Sky!Sky!Sky! and Snow Dance from Beginning of The Road album. Then i found out Depacla, their work doing classical songs, it was stunning too. Their latest album are One, need some time before i realized the single and some other tracks [on One] are something sounds familiar on my mind. Yes, this is the kind of music that I used to hum during my showers ;P Not exactly the same since back then i was imagining an electrical guitar played in orc...