I first heard Depapepe name accidentally in a car from my cousins. They in love with this guitar based instrumental music that i found familiar from TV shows (Trans7 used Depapepe songs for background music in shows like 'On the Spot' and adventures).
The first songs that i like would be Sky!Sky!Sky! and Snow Dance from Beginning of The Road album. Then i found out Depacla, their work doing classical songs, it was stunning too. Their latest album are One, need some time before i realized the single and some other tracks [on One] are something sounds familiar on my mind. Yes, this is the kind of music that I used to hum during my showers ;P Not exactly the same since back then i was imagining an electrical guitar played in orchestral. But the spirits are the same, the notes are there.
So this new songs will be added on my playlist, it will be for a good cause..
Something you've been searching may not come exactly the way you wanted, in the time that you're expected, but you certainly can sense it..
Depapepe (デパペペ), is a music group originating from Japan. The acoustic guitar duo is composed of Miura Takuya (born 5 April 1983) and Tokuoka Yoshinari (born on 15 July 1977), who formed in 2002. (Wikipedia)
Depapepe - One