All About Photograph Day

Today, Yoga was showing his new DSLR Camera, i think it was Canon EOS 1000D. His brothers was quite surprised not about the camera, but curious about how he afforded it :D. Anyway he's so excited with the new camera and told me how to get it and why he chose the type that even i'm actually not that knew about photography stuff.
Meanwhile, changing plans for Ali's prewedding session happens. After scheduled at 4 pm before, it was suddenly changed into 11 am just this morning. So we should coordinate another plans with Pak Agung about the mesangih preparation. Since Pak Agung cannot be reached by phone, we decided to came early to his house. After meeting him, it is decided to come again to his house after the photo session.
After finding the photo studio in teuku umar street, we were having a breakfast in front of the studio, it's soto ayam for me. Then Mama Ci came to accompany Ali and Keke photo session meanwhile I and Yoga catch up later after that.
As Ali and Keke were having their make ups, me, Yoga and Mama Ci having some jokes and mocks in the studio. Not so long Om Bob and Om Dang came up. They have just came from bicycle store, one of Om Dang hobbies this day. Then Om Dang also shows his another 'neglected' hobby, which is his DSLR camera, (again) i think it's Canon EOS 80D. So we're having some photo (but we have to used camera phone) in the studio before Mrs. Ayu came to bring the bride's dress.
Om Bob and Om Dang decided to leave for lunch. They look to find be guling, something quite valuable to missed. So i decided to join them having lunch in Candra before picking up Ari and back to Laksamana.