
Showing posts from 2010

Why Sunday called SUNDAY

Nova asked this on her FB status: Matahari terbit setiap hari tapi kenapa cuma hari Minggu yg disebut "SUNDAY" The Sun rise everyday but why Sunday should be the one called "SUNDAY" It's an interesting question, so I look up for a hints and this is what i found for an answer : The days of the week were originally named after the thing or pagan god that day was dedicated to . Monday was dedicated to the moon, Tuesday to the god Tyr, Wednesday to the god Woden, Thursday to the god Thor, Friday to the goddess Frigg, Saturday to the god Saturn (later, they named a planet after him too), and Sunday to the sun. Astronomical association (excerpted from wikipedia) As Sunday and Monday are certainly show by it name associated for the Sun and the Moon, the other day also associated for planets, which are Tyr ( Tuesday ) are associated with Mars, Mercurius for Woden ( Wednesday ), Thor ( Thursday ) are Jupiter [in European myth Thor are strength and powerful as J...

Lebih Dari Sekedar Cantik (album review)

Lebih Dari Sekedar Cantik merupakan album terbaru Kahitna. Sebuah langkah yang berani ditengah era RBT yang memunculkan fenomena artis penyanyi yang meluncurkan single ketimbang full album. Namun langkah konvensional ini masih cukup beralasan mengingat penggemar Kahitna yang cukup setia dan berusia dewasa. Tracks and Overview Secara umum materi album ini khas Kahitna. Beberapa track dominan diisi lagu2 balada piano khas Yovie yg dipadu dgn harmoni vokal ketiga penyanyi Kahitna. Track seperti Mentariku, Insomnia termasuk single andalan kedua Mantan Kekasih menjadi contoh kategori ini.

Goals aren't finished

This morning I was opening one of my favorite book. A Stephen Covey book that was used as one of my university book. I was surprised to found a paper of my assignment. It was an assignment from Mrs. Rini and Mr. Mas'oed class. The interesting thing is that in the assignment we supposed to write our 5 years and 1 year goals and than break down the strategy to achieve it. What makes me amazed is that I found almost all of my goals were already accomplished, despite the various results of failure and success. This is quite important to me as most of the times I didn't satisfied with myself. This founding makes me realized that all this time God has always listen to me and I'm grateful for that. The other coincidence is that the writings was made about five years ago. It looks like God also wanted to reminds me that I should make a new goals from now on. Yes, I believe I need a new goals. Just in time cause this ain't finish yet.

Cowboys in (which side of) paradise??

A Movie Controversy The Indonesian television this week filled with the news of an independent movie from Singaporean based citizen called ‘Cowboys in Paradise’. Not only played in a festival, the movie had already available in Youtube network. The movie mainly tells about Kuta beach boys who hangs out freely with the tourist that they even makes out together. In Indonesia the issue being spread as a Balinese gigolo movie. This issue that brings strong reaction from the Balinese authorities. The authorities mainly object the legality of the movie. They believed Amit Virmani, the movie maker didn’t have any permission to do such a movie. Just days after that, the police had a raid in Kuta searching for people who don’t have working permit. And just yesterday they investigate the beach boys who are shown on the movie. The beach boys themselves already told the journalists their objection of the movie being played in public.

If the key opens..

The forces keep shakin the room I tried to ignore but my pride are burning Tried to hold the anger They don't give up and even started to crack the window Ok!! I'll negotiate


Salah satu tahapan yang dilakukan orang Hindu Bali dalam merayakan Nyepi adalah upacara Melasti atau ada juga yang menyebut sebagai Melis atau Mekiis. Melasti merupakan tahapan dimana masyarakat Bali berjalan kaki dengan membawa pratima menuju laut untuk disucikan. Ya salah satu yang menarik adalah meskipun pada saat ini alat transportasi sudah berkembang, proses ini tetap dilakukan dengan berjalan kaki berkilo-kilo meter.

Sarapan Blayag

Seperti biasa kalo pagi di Singaraja Mama suka ke pasar sekalian beli sarapan. Untuk sarapan hari ini disuguhi Blayag yang diwadahi inka (piring anyaman lidi). Blayag (kalau saya tidak salah tulis) adalah salah satu makanan khas Singaraja. Saya mulai mengenal Blayag beberapa tahun lalu ketika orang tua saya mulai sering pulang ke Bali. Dalam suatu kesempatan dimana kami harus menginap beberapa hari di Gang XIV, saya mulai sering disuguhi Blayag sebagai menu untuk sarapan pagi.

All About Photograph Day

Today, Yoga was showing his new DSLR Camera, i think it was Canon EOS 1000D. His brothers was quite surprised not about the camera, but curious about how he afforded it :D. Anyway he's so excited with the new camera and told me how to get it and why he chose the type that even i'm actually not that knew about photography stuff. Meanwhile, changing plans for Ali's prewedding session happens. After scheduled at 4 pm before, it was suddenly changed into 11 am just this morning. So we should coordinate another plans with Pak Agung about the mesangih preparation. Since Pak Agung cannot be reached by phone, we decided to came early to his house. After meeting him, it is decided to come again to his house after the photo session.

My Old School

Hari ini seharusnya saya kembali ke Singaraja setelah acara sowan undangan selesai, untungnya di tengah perjalanan kami mampir ke sebuah galeri patung di daerah Sanur karena persis setelah itu saya mendapat telepon untuk tetap bertahan di Denpasar.  Karena di rumah Badak kosong, saya memutuskan untuk ke Laksmana, apalagi kebetulan Mama Ci ada di rumah. Untungnya lagi selain ngisi perut yang kosong dari pagi, saya bisa ngadem sambil baca2 majalah bola dan komik di kamar Wikan. Wikan sendiri sedang belajar untuk mempersiapkan diri menghadapi UAN.

Tahun Baru Saka 1932

Tahun ini saya merayakan Nyepi di Singaraja karena sekaligus dalam rangka persiapan upacara Mesangih dan Mesakapan kakak saya beberapa hari kemudian. Pada pagi harinya kami mecaru dan sembahyang di sanggah Merajan, tidak banyak keluarga besar yang hadir. Bahkan karena Jro Istri sakit, saya sempat membantu Atin memayungi Jro Mangku Merajan. Untuk mengisi waktu luang sebelum mecaru di rumah ditemani Om Putu Gohar kami mendatangi saudara2 satu kawitan untuk menyampaikan undangan lisan.

Menemukan Suara-Suara Yang Peduli (Voices That Care)

Akhirnya beber apa hari lalu saya berinisiatif untuk mencari lagu Voices That Care versi asli dengan pengisi suara (vokal). Ternyata (berkat Google) tidak sulit untuk menemukannya. Bahkan muncul beberapa kejutan saya terhadap fakta dibalik lagu ini. Tapi saya tidak akan langsung menuju ke kejutan tersebut, saya ingin menceritakan mengapa pencarian ini begitu penting bagi saya. Lagu Voices That Care adalah salah satu lagu favorit saya yang kebetulan diciptakan pula oleh salah satu komposer dan produser musik yang saya kagumi, David Foster. Saya sebenarnya sudah memiliki lagu Voices That Care dalam koleksi mp3 saya, namun versi instrumental yang dimasukkan David Foster dalam album solonya yang berjudul Rechordings.